P.O. Box 1317
Arroyo Grande, CA 93421
Phone: 805.481.5105
FAX: 805.481.7982
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Specializing in:
EMS News
Nuclear News
Search Consultant by the Hour
Employ the services of one of our knowledgeable industry specific Search Consultants for a specific project, market research or special staffing needs.
Typical projects include:
Compensation Analysis: We can provide you with current "real-time" industry specific compensation information for any position. This information can be used to formulate the "right" offer for candidates, minimize offer rejections, reduce employee turnover which can save you thousands annually.
Employer Training: We deliver world-class training on effective interviewing techniques, interview process optimization, and how to successfully close deals. Truth be told, many companies interview process is their own worst enemy! We can help!
Expert Witness: Have a employee legal battle looming where you need the expertise of a knowledgeable industry specific staffing expert? Need to evaluate the "employability" of a disgruntled employee? We can help!
Market Feedback: Want to know what your company's reputation really is in the industry? Want to know why you get candidate turndowns of your offers? We can provide you with valuable market feedback to help you improve your ability to land the best talent for your positions and save you both time and money.